Beko Ovens – Beware Of Explosions

by | Jun 11, 2023 | Ovens | 0 comments

Yes you read that right. Beware of Explosions.

That’s scary thinking isn’t it. But that’s not all.

Beko Oven Glass Shattering

Beko Oven Light Not Working

Beko Oven Not Heating Up

These are just some of the things that customers are dealing with when it comes to their brand new ovens. If you’re facing some of these issues then just know its probably not anything you have done. There are lots of reports of customers facing the same issues with their Beko appliances.

You might think that it’s ok. Some products fail. It is the nature of production.

That’s true. It does seem to happen a lot more with Beko appliances though. And as we have discussed before they seem to go out of their way to ignore and delay any complaints made.

Since you cannot put faith in Beko sorting out your issues we are going to see what we can do to help. In this post we will look at the most common issues that people are facing with their Beko Ovens, try to discover what the cause of the issue is and then discuss what fixes can be applied.

Beko Oven Glass Shattering

beko oven exploding shattered glass 1

Beko Oven Glass Doors exploding is quite the common issue. Not just their Oven doors either. Here is a customer who had their Washing Machine Door explode. And another.

But let’s look at what causes oven doors to shatter like this.

The glass in the door is called tempered glass and is supposed to be able to withstand higher heats relative to normal glass. But imperfections in the glass creates areas of weakness. And when the pressure builds up (as it does when you are cooking in the oven) the glass eventually pops and produces this explosion of shattered glass that everyone is complaining about.

Imperfections in the glass are often as a result of:

  • Knocks and physical contact
  • Aggressive cleaning, for example with a wire brush
  • Manufacturing defects

If the glass on your NEW oven shatters it is most likely due to an error in the manufacturing or from a knock it took during transit and installation.

How To Fix A Shattered Oven Window

Fixing a shattered window is not an easy job but it is also not expressly difficult. If you have any experience with replacing panes of glass you should be able to fix this without calling in a engineer.

Google is your friend for this. Search for your specific make and model to get the correct glass shipped out.

Here’s a video showing how quickly the process can take.

If you purchase the glass and install it yourself then you should be able to get away with spending less than £100 when all is said and done. If you need someone to replace the glass for you then you need to add on to this.

But should you be paying out of pocket for this in the first place?

I don’t know about you but I don’t think my oven should explode with hot glass even if it was 100 years old.

File complaints with your retailer and directly with Beko. Ask them to cover the repair costs even if you are out of warranty.

Beko Oven Light Not Working

Brand new cooker and the oven light was…

Brand new cooker and the oven light was broken on delivery. Beko said they would send out a new bulb. However it never arrived. I bought a new bulb myself only to confirm that I was correct when I told them I didn’t think it was the bulb. The socket is damaged. There has been no follow up from Beko at all! So I have paid full price for damaged goods. I even tried to return it to Currys but they were impossible to get hold of!

There’s 2 issues at play here.

Firstly a lot of Beko Ovens are delivered with either no bulb or the bulb gets shaken during transit and breaks.

Secondly as in the case of the customer above it could be a case of the socket being broken.

If you can see there is a bulb in and you have had the oven for a while it should be safe to assume the former rather than the latter.

However if there is no bulb provided or if your oven is new then you might need to perform more testing to see what the issue is.

How To Fix Beko Oven Light Not Working

If you are sure it is just the bulb then the fix is the same as with anyone light bulb you have around your house. Search google for your make and model and get a replacement bulb shipped.

If you were not provided a bulb, or your oven is new and should not have had a bulb blow so quickly then you need to get in touch with Beko. Get them to ship a new bulb immediately for you to test.

If the new bulb does not resolve the error then another complaint to Beko is warranted (Click here to see our guidance on how to complain to Beko). Have them send an engineer around to find the cause of the electrical fault.

If they refuse to send an engineer around then you are on your own. The most likely cause of the issue is the socket being broken. If you have a multi-meter and experience with electricals then you can isolate which part is causing the fault. If it is the socket then this can be ordered online and replaced fairly easily.

If you have no electrical experience this is not a task I recommend. Find a reputable electrician in your area and have them investigate the issue for you. Send the bill to Beko.

Beko Oven Does Not Cook (Fails To Get To Correct Temperature)

I am never buying anything with the Beko name on again!

I am never buying anything with the beko name on it again. I brought a freestanding gas cooker from Currys just over a year ago and it has an ongoing fault with the oven not cooking properly. So I had an engineer out to try and fix the issue and it worked for about 2 months and now it fault is back again. And the glass lid for the cooker can no longer stay in its upright position as the hinges are faulty and it sits at an angle which keeps getting lower and lower each time. Rang Beko technical support today and they said it’s out of warranty and that I’d have to pay £140 to get it fixed again. Stay away from Beko products!

The oven does not reach correct…

The oven does not reach correct temperature! The engineer has confirmed this but we are still waiting for a repair after a long wait and still cannot use the oven. Customer service not good.

After Sales were rubbish

I brought I Beko Gas Double Oven in September 2021, I had the cooker installed by a registered gas fitter and within two days the gas cooker main oven kept on cutting out after 5-10 minutes, I called Beko and got no answer, so I contacted the sales person who sold it to me who were very very helpful booking a Beko engineer to come out ad take a look, the guy arrived to tell me that I was not pre-heating my oven to gas mark 9 for 10 minutes to allow the oven to reach temperature, after a day or so after following this advice the oven kept cutting out again, and when I got through to Beko and reported this they laughed at me after I told them I was pre-heating my oven to gas mark 9 for 10 minutes to allow the oven to reach temperature, so they sent out the same engineer only to tell me that my cooker is too low to the ground, so he raised it took a photo of the cooker working and said there was nothing wrong with it, after another day, the cooker was still cutting out so once again I phone Beko only to have the same engineer come out again, and this time he tried to tell be that my kitchen was too small for the cooker that is why it is cutting out, after he said this he said they would send out a replacement which I received on December 10th 2021, and trying to get the cooker connected so close to Christmas was a no go, so No cooking until 2023, very disappointed Beko, Think you need to look after your customers after they have spent a lot of money on your products.

So there are a few issues at play here, some of them harder to fix than others. Again though based on the responses from actual customers it appears as though neither Beko or their engineers are particularly interested in solving the issue.

Some of the likely causes of this issue:

1 – The gas supply has been incorrectly fitted

2 – The electricity supply has been incorrectly fitted

3 – The internal thermostat is broken

4 – The appliance has a manufacturing defect <— Most likely culprit

5 – The door is not closing properly

How To Fix Oven Not Heating Up

Firstly you can check the door yourself. Turn the oven onto the highest setting and see if there is a lots of heat escaping via the door.

Secondly you should contact Beko (here’s our advice for how to do that) and force them to send out an engineer. You will want to ensure that the gas (if its a gas range) is fully connected and turned on (you would be surprised).

You want to ensure that the electricals are switched on and remain switched on throughout. It needs to be checked that nothing is short circuiting mid-way through a cook causing the oven to start all over again.

If the oven is working fine but is just not reaching the temperatures desired check that the thermostat is working correctly.

Once all other options have been ruled out consider the issue to be a manufacturing defect and the appliance needs to be replaced. Follow up on your complaint with Beko and ensure they remedy their error.

In the meantime you might need to buy a new oven, maybe consider one that isn’t made by Beko.

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Complaining To Beko

Like getting blood from a stone. Beko’s customer service is one of the worst in the home appliance sector. They will ignore your attempts to contact, they will ignore key details, they will not accept any liability and they will delay delay delay.

But there are a few tricks to try and get what you are owed:

Hit them up on social media every time you send an email
Copy in the CEO of Beko UK and the CEO of their parent company
Copy in Which? and the retailer you bought the appliance from
Leave review on TrustPilot
File a Chargeback, Escalate to Trading Standards, Report to your MP & Make a small claim

Read more about how to complain to Beko here

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