Best router table in UK 2023 – Reviews

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Hand Tools

The best router table uk you can currently find – learn which item to choose for 2025!

DIY woodworking is surely a pleasing job that does not require very advanced tools. If; however, we ever find ourselves in a situation where the project we wish to do exceeds the capabilities of the standard equipment, this is the moment to find the best router table.

However, what to do in order to find the right tool since these options are much more expensive than the standard, corded wood routers we can use with only one hand? Well, there are a few things worth considering, and that is why it is important to know what is the best router table to buy and how to determine that. In order to help you, we will present you the best router table review as well as the alternatives thanks to which you are going to learn about all the necessities.

To pick the most appropriate device, it is important to firstly specify our expectations. There are plenty of parameters worth checking, which has quite a significant influence on our final decision. Besides that, there is an abundance of standard technicalities such as the size of the table and its functionalities. Still, you can learn about all of it and pick the best router table uk right now!

AXABING Aluminum Router Table Insert Plate is the winner of the ranking 2025 and the best wood router table you can currently choose!

• Rather cheap;
• Compact size;
• Can be installed with ease;
• Universal option.
• Small size;
• Problematic with larger projects.

Aluminum table together with the highly durable casing of the product itself, and the number of additions and features make the product offered by AXABING one of the most attractive for the standard user. It guarantees everything we truly need, especially at the beginning of our journey with more professional tasks.

This particular option is one of the smallest ones when it comes to the table area. It is only 23 x 12 x 0,8 cm, so it suits perfectly smaller workshops. However, because of that we should remember that working around larger projects will not be as comfortable as one could think.

This is the cheapest offer you can currently find given its great finishing. However, bear in mind that it is solely the router table – without any devices. Having that in mind, we can use almost every brand of the wood router we desire. Still, it is not compatible with Makita routers.

In addition to other positives, it is also quite light and its installation is very simple, making the option one of the best if you already own a great router and you just wish to introduce some stability to your work.

What is the best router table to buy? You can also check Dirty Pro Tools Router table

• Once the router is mounted, we can use is it regularly or as a spindle moulder;
• Very durable;
• A lot of functionalities that improve the precision of the work;
• Ideal size for DIY-ers. 
• Pretty expensive.

If we are thinking about bigger projects and we need a bigger option, then it is a great option to choose the product by Dirty Pro Tools. This is a brand that guarantees an incredibly high quality router table with access to many different functionalities and features worth mentioning.

The installation of the product itself is quite easy and does not require sophisticated knowledge. It is also important to notice that while picking the right table, we need to know its size, so we know how well it suits the room or the workshop. Obviously, this router table is a bit larger than the winner of the ranking. However, it still guarantees plenty of attractive features such as adjustments thanks to which we can improve the precision of our work.

The table is also equipped with a special mitre guide, which is also adjustable. As a result, we can increase the precision of our woodworking tasks even more.
It is also great because we can use our router as a standard device or convert it into a spindle moulder. Still, it costs quite a lot, so we need to be aware of that while picking this option.

What else do we recommend? FERM Router Table – Universal: Baseplate Diameter 162mm is surely an attractive solution one should take into account 

• Great stability thanks to anti-skid feet;
• Large operating area;
• Equipped with dust extraction adapter;
• Dust-proof switch.
• Very large;
• Quite heavy.

This particular solution is one of the most popular ones available on the market. Prepared by Ferm Store, the table is much larger than the two previously described options. It is still made of aluminum, hence we are dealing with an extremely robust table. Though aluminum is light, the size of the table makes it much heavier than the previous options.

A lot of people consider this model to be the best router table you can currently buy and not without a reason. First of all, it guarantees great stability due to the installation of rubber anti-skid feet.
What is more, there is also a place for a dust extraction system. To make things even more entertaining, the PRA1011 model is equipped with a mitre guide, the same system available in the previous tool, which improves the precision of cuts.

Still, this option is very heavy and because of its large size, may not be the greatest solution for those who work at smaller projects and just require additional stability for some of the tasks.

The best wood router table in terms of stability? Then it surely is Lumberjack Tools RT1500 1500W Bench Top Router Table

• Very powerful engine;
• A lot of adjustments for great precision of work;
• Dust extraction system;
• Integrated router;
• One of the most stable options in the ranking.
• Incredibly heavy;
• Very large. 

Lumberjack Tools is a brand that provides us with a much more expensive offer, which is at the same time much more advanced. It is surely designed for all the people who demand the best quality and their workshop can accommodate such a gigantic set.

If you decide on the model RT1500, you receive a complete set with everything you truly need for the appropriate operation. Besides the table itself, you can also hope for an integrated router, three feather boards and even 2 collets that are available as standard.

The product is equipped with a lot of regulations that can help you choose the most preferable settings for your work. You can change the position of the cutter with the use of a handwheel. What is more, there is a stepless adjustment that translates into the best precision and accuracy. Obviously, there is even a dust extractor port that keeps the area clean while working.

The router itself is very strong because it offers 1500 W. The rotation speed is; however, a bit average. The peak is available at 26,000 RPM. Still, the regulations are quite large and the minimum we can set is 8,000 RPM.

This is; however, an extremely heavy option that is at the same time very big. It means that most of the amateur users won’t find it as useful as it could be.

Last but certainly not least is Trend WRT Workshop Router Table, 240 Volt

• High compatibility;
• Offers a lot of adjustments for increased precision;
• Very stable.
• Incredibly heavy and large.

Yet another option that will surprise us with its stability comes from Trend Store, a brand that deals with router accessories and parts on a daily basis. This time we receive a universal solution that can work just right with 1/4″ and 1/2″ routers. Its compatibility is even greater and it is all due to the fact that there are adjusting screws included. Though it has only 98 mm aperture diameter, it offers stability and smoothness like any other table.

The biggest disadvantage of this table is the fact that it comes with a very limited aperture diameter. Because of that, we can use cutters up to 86 mm. Still, the offer guarantees laminated table and fence cheeks thanks to which all the work will be as smooth as it can possibly be.

In terms of comfort, there are plenty of adjustables that we can enjoy. One of them is side finger pressure and the possibility to adjust the feather pressure guards at the front and on the side.
Because of its heavy weight, this won’t be an ideal solution for small workshops. The large working surface may be an advantage, but just like the weight gives stability, the size can limit the product placement.

What are the most important features when considering the router table? Here are the tips

Tables for routers are there to ensure stability while working with the most demanding projects. It shouldn’t surprise you that together with that, tables offer precise cuts and, of course, adjustments we would never find anywhere else. Still, there are a ton of things we need to take into account.

The best router table review told us that if we want to buy a great product, it needs to meet our expectations in terms of its size and weight. Obviously, tables should guarantee stability, which can be improved in multiple ways.

Another thing worth noting regards the compatibility and the possibility to mount our device. Obviously, all the functions that make the product much more comfortable in use are desired. We should also take a closer look at this article and the tips they present:

Remember about the maximum diameter

One of the key elements when purchasing the right table for your router is, obviously, picking that product that is compatible with your device. Quite often it happens that we just need to equip ourselves with a simple table for better stability. To ensure that, we have to remember about different diameters of the routers.

The bigger the maximum diameter of a table, the higher chance that we will be able to change the device that can boast with even better performance. Obviously, we need to take into account the fact that it means we are resigning from small and, at the same time, compact tables we might want for small workshops.

FERM Router Table

best wood router table

AXABING Aluminum Router Table

free standing router table

What about compatibility?

Every single table has got its dimensions and bolt distribution. In most cases, we are capable of installing almost every single router available on the market. Unfortunately, in some cases we may find a piece that is not compatible.

That is why it is mandatory to look if there are any warnings or confirmed incompatibilities, because in that case the purchase of a table that cannot handle the given type of router or the specific model that we have may be pointless.

Functionality and precision

The most important thing that should concern us while picking the right router table is its precision of work. Every woodworker searches for a product that will make the cuts more precise and much cleaner than they are. In order to achieve that thing, we have to look at the functionalities these router tables have got to offer.

The most basic thing that every device should offer is, obviously, a mitre guide. It is basically a simple measurement system. If; however, it is well constructed, such a feature can offer us increased precision of work no matter how delicate your woodworking projects are.

There are more options that should be included in every respectable router table. We mean here a high back fence that allows us to adjust the guard assembly. Besides that, the side finger pressure should also be fully adjustable.

Dirty Pro Tools Router table

best router table review

Lumberjack Tools RT1500 1500W Bench Top Router Table

best router table to buy

Stable table is the best table!

The simplest way to make sure that the table we chose is stable is checking its weight. Although we always want to buy light products, so in the future it will be easier to move them, large router tables that weigh more than 20 kilos will surely be an attractive addition to our workshop.

Obviously, the purchase of a smaller solution means we are not going to have a heavy tool. Still, it can be quite stable, especially if the producers installed anti-skid feet that are covered with rubber.

Summary and conclusion – best router table 2025

There are many different brands that offer us great work tables for our routers. If you were to buy a ryobi router table uk, you would definitely find some interesting products. Still, we highly encourage you to learn more about these items before you make the final decision.

In the case you were wondering what to choose, it is a good idea to follow our recommendation. AXABING Aluminum Router Table Insert Plate is a brand new product that may not be the most advanced in terms of functionalities. It is; however, quite inexpensive and offers durability, and at the same time great compatibility, which is one of the reasons why all the amateurs and DIY fans will appreciate the purchase.