How to Properly Seal Windows and Doors to Improve Energy Efficiency: A Complete Guide to Saving Money and the Planet

by | Apr 20, 2023 | Home Improvements | 0 comments

If you’ve ever felt a chilly draft sneaking into your home or watched your heating bill skyrocket during the winter months, you might be experiencing the effects of poorly sealed windows and doors. It’s like throwing money out the window, literally! In this post, we’ll explore ways to keep your home cozy, using no power tools, while also saving some cash and Mother Earth. So, buckle up and let’s get ready to seal the deal!

energy efficient window seal

Where Most Energy Is Lost in the Home

You might not realize it, but your home is full of tiny escape routes for your precious, expensive warm air. The two main culprits are windows and doors, the not-so-obvious thieves stealing your energy and hard-earned dollars. They’re like the Bonnie and Clyde of energy efficiency, so let’s put an end to their reign of terror!

Energy loss through windows and doors occurs primarily through two processes: air leakage and heat transfer. Let’s take a closer look at both of these phenomena.

  1. Air leakage: Gaps and cracks around windows and doors allow air to flow in and out of your home. This is particularly noticeable when you feel drafts near these openings. In the winter, cold air infiltrates your home while warm air escapes, causing your heating system to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. In the summer, the reverse happens—cool air escapes and warm air enters, putting a strain on your air conditioning system. These air leaks not only make your home less comfortable but also lead to higher energy consumption and utility bills.
  2. Heat transfer: Windows and doors, especially those with single-pane glass, are poor insulators. They allow heat to pass through them relatively easily, a process known as heat transfer. In the winter, heat from inside your home is transferred to the colder outdoor environment, while in the summer, outdoor heat is transferred inside. This heat exchange forces your heating and cooling systems to work harder, again resulting in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.

Best Method for Sealing Windows and Doors

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The gold standard of sealing windows and doors is weatherstripping. If you’re serious about stopping drafts and saving money, it’s time to get intimate with weatherstripping. This handy material is the superhero of energy efficiency, swooping in to save the day (and your wallet) by sealing gaps and cracks around your home. Available in various materials like rubber, foam, and metal, you can find the perfect fit to match your home’s unique needs. Just remember, with great weatherstripping comes great responsibility.

WeatherStripping on Amazon

Cheap Methods for Sealing Windows and Doors

If you’re on a budget, fret not! There are still plenty of low-cost options to keep drafts at bay. Draft stoppers, also known as draft snakes or “that long thing your grandma uses,” can be placed at the base of your doors to block cold air. You can buy one, or get crafty and make your own using fabric and rice or sand. For windows, consider investing in window film, which is like plastic wrap for your windows but much less embarrassing to admit to using.

Free Methods for Sealing Windows and Doors

Sometimes the best things in life are free, and that includes energy-saving techniques. One free method is rearranging your furniture. If you have a couch or bed near a drafty window or door, move it away to avoid feeling the chill. It’s like playing Tetris with your home decor but with the added bonus of saving money. Another free option is simply using blankets, towels, or spare clothes to temporarily block drafts. Hey, if it’s good enough for college students, it’s good enough for you!


Q: How do I know if my windows and doors are properly sealed? A: If you no longer feel a draft and your utility bill looks like it’s been on a diet, you’ve probably done a good job.

Q: Can I use duct tape to seal my windows? A: While duct tape is the Swiss Army knife of DIY fixes, it’s not the best choice for sealing windows. It might leave a sticky residue and could even damage the surface. Stick to window film and weatherstripping for the best results.

Q: How often should I check my windows and doors for drafts? A: It’s a good idea to inspect your windows and doors for drafts at least once a year, preferably before winter sets in. This way, you’ll be prepared to tackle any energy efficiency issues before they become a bigger problem. Plus, it’s a fun annual tradition, like spring cleaning but with fewer dust bunnies.

Q: Can I use weatherstripping on sliding glass doors? A: Absolutely! Sliding glass doors can be drafty too, and weatherstripping is here to save the day. Be sure to choose the appropriate type of weatherstripping that’s designed for sliding doors, as it will be more flexible and accommodate the door’s movement.

Q: Will sealing my windows and doors make my home too airtight? A: Sealing windows and doors is all about striking a balance. While you want to keep drafts out, you also need some air exchange for healthy indoor air quality. Properly sealing windows and doors shouldn’t make your home too airtight, but if you’re concerned, consult a professional to ensure you’re maintaining a good balance.

Q: Can I use weatherstripping on older windows and doors? A: You bet! Older windows and doors can benefit from weatherstripping just as much as newer ones. In fact, they might need it even more. However, be cautious when applying weatherstripping to delicate or antique surfaces, as some adhesive-backed options might cause damage.

Q: My cat keeps chewing on my draft stopper. Any suggestions? A: If your furry friend is treating your draft stopper like a chew toy, consider placing a deterrent like a double-sided sticky tape or a cat-safe spray on or near the stopper. Alternatively, you can create a DIY draft stopper with a more durable fabric or try a different type of weatherstripping that’s less tempting for your mischievous kitty.


Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or just trying to save some money, sealing your windows and doors can make a huge difference in your home’s energy efficiency. So, grab your weatherstripping, draft stoppers, and creativity, and let’s put an end to those sneaky drafts once and for all. Your wallet and the planet will thank you! And remember, in the battle against drafts, laughter is the best weapon.


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